Great selection of vintage and retro South American national team football shirts and kit featuring home, away and special player editions. The shirt range spans from original 1970s strips through to current seasons.
Product Style
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Minimum value
Maximum value
updateFocusState('min', true)" @blur="() => updateFocusState('min', false)" x-bind:style="'z-index: ' + minZindex" x-model="minprice" class="absolute left-0 pointer-events-none appearance-none h-2 w-full opacity-0 cursor-pointer" aria-label="Minimum price value, use left and right arrows to adjust." />
updateFocusState('max', true)" @blur="() => updateFocusState('max', false)" x-bind:style="'z-index: ' + maxZindex" x-model="maxprice" class="absolute left-0 pointer-events-none appearance-none h-2 w-full opacity-0 cursor-pointer" aria-label="Maximum price value, use left and right arrows to adjust." />